95 Functions

My aim with writing this code was on getting it working as soon as possible. There are certainly ways of doing things more efficiently, I acknowledge that.

The Deck Creator and other Sub Routines make use of several functions listed below. Some functions are not used any more but are listed anyway.

This Function re-orders an array passed to it. Since the Decks used are similar to a new pack of real cards opened from it’s packaging it needs to be re-ordered. Failure to do this will result in a pack of cards shuffled by your 3 year old.

For the Function Module you will need to declare these Public Variables:

Option Explicit
Public HoleCards(1 To 91) As String
Public c1 As Long, c2 As Long, c3 As Long, c4 As Long, c5 As Long
Public AllHands() As Variant


Public Function ReOrderArray(aOriginal() As Variant) As Variant()
    'This Function Re-Orders The Pack of Cards to ensure randonmess
    Dim a(), aSwop, aP As Variant
    Dim aQ, aR As Long
    ReDim a(LBound(aOriginal) To UBound(aOriginal))

    For aR = LBound(aOriginal) To UBound(aOriginal)
        a(aR) = aOriginal(aR)
    Next aR

    For aR = LBound(aOriginal) To UBound(aOriginal)
        aQ = CLng(((UBound(aOriginal) - aR) * Rnd) + aR)
        aSwop = a(aR)
        a(aR) = a(aQ)
        a(aQ) = aSwop
    Next aR

    ReOrderArray = a

End Function

This is a function that can also be called in the Worksheet by entering the following formula in any cell:
Number 23 is Card

Private Function Number2Card(Number As Integer) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'Turn the Random Decimal Value created for the Deck into a Card
    Dim CardName As String
        Select Case Number
            Case 1
                CardName = "2h"
            Case 2
                CardName = "2d"
            Case 3
                CardName = "2c"
            Case 4
                CardName = "2s"
            Case 5
                CardName = "3h"
            Case 6
                CardName = "3d"
            Case 7
                CardName = "3c"
            Case 8
                CardName = "3s"
            Case 9
                CardName = "4h"
            Case 10
                CardName = "4d"
            Case 11
                CardName = "4c"
            Case 12
                CardName = "4s"
            Case 13
                CardName = "5h"
            Case 14
                CardName = "5d"
            Case 15
                CardName = "5c"
            Case 16
                CardName = "5s"
            Case 17
                CardName = "6h"
            Case 18
                CardName = "6d"
            Case 19
                CardName = "6c"
            Case 20
                CardName = "6s"
            Case 21
                CardName = "7h"
            Case 22
                CardName = "7d"
            Case 23
                CardName = "7c"
            Case 24
                CardName = "7s"
            Case 25
                CardName = "8h"
            Case 26
                CardName = "8d"
            Case 27
                CardName = "8c"
            Case 28
                CardName = "8s"
            Case 29
                CardName = "9h"
            Case 30
                CardName = "9d"
            Case 31
                CardName = "9c"
            Case 32
                CardName = "9s"
            Case 33
                CardName = "Th"
            Case 34
                CardName = "Td"
            Case 35
                CardName = "Tc"
            Case 36
                CardName = "Ts"
            Case 37
                CardName = "Jh"
            Case 38
                CardName = "Jd"
            Case 39
                CardName = "Jc"
            Case 40
                CardName = "Js"
            Case 41
                CardName = "Qh"
            Case 42
                CardName = "Qd"
            Case 43
                CardName = "Qc"
            Case 44
                CardName = "Qs"
            Case 45
                CardName = "Kh"
            Case 46
                CardName = "Kd"
            Case 47
                CardName = "Kc"
            Case 48
                CardName = "Ks"
            Case 49
                CardName = "Ah"
            Case 50
                CardName = "Ad"
            Case 51
                CardName = "Ac"
            Case 52
                CardName = "As"
            Case Else
                CardName = "ERR"
        End Select
Number2Card = CardName
End Function

This is a function that can also be called in the Worksheet by entering the following formula in any cell:

Public Function GUID()
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'Create a random 128bit GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) to ensure that each deck used is unique
    'Once the Decks are created all duplicate decks can be identified and removed
    'Using GUID ensures uniqueness by choosing one random GUID from 2^128 GUIDs or 1.000000000e38 numbers
    'Why use a GUID? If you want to index each object in the Universe, i.e give it a numberplate, you will use a GUID and you won't run out
        Dim v, GUIDID As String
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To 36
            'Create a Random number between and including 1 and 16 and convert it to HexaDecimal
            v = WorksheetFunction.Dec2Hex(Int((16 * Rnd) + 1) - 1)
            'Create the GUID's 5 Chunks 8-4-4-4-12
            If i = 9 Or i = 14 Or i = 19 Or i = 24 Then
                v = "-"
            End If
            'Append the current GUIDID with V
            GUIDID = GUIDID + v
        Next i
        GUID = GUIDID
End Function

I use this function to colour the background of cards so that I can spot patterns with TRNG and PRNG decks.

Public Function ColourBack(DealtCard As String) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'Colours the back of the card so that pattern can be detected
    Dim NewColour As Double
    Select Case DealtCard
        Case "2h"
            NewColour = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        Case "2d"
            NewColour = RGB(245, 0, 0)
        Case "2c"
            NewColour = RGB(235, 0, 0)
        Case "2s"
            NewColour = RGB(225, 0, 0)
        Case "3h"
            NewColour = RGB(215, 0, 0)
        Case "3d"
            NewColour = RGB(205, 0, 0)
        Case "3c"
            NewColour = RGB(195, 0, 0)
        Case "3s"
            NewColour = RGB(185, 0, 0)
        Case "4h"
            NewColour = RGB(175, 0, 0)
        Case "4d"
            NewColour = RGB(165, 0, 0)
        Case "4c"
            NewColour = RGB(155, 0, 0)
        Case "4s"
            NewColour = RGB(145, 0, 0)
        Case "5h"
            NewColour = RGB(135, 0, 0)
        Case "5d"
            NewColour = RGB(125, 0, 0)
        Case "5c"
            NewColour = RGB(115, 0, 0)
        Case "5s"
            NewColour = RGB(105, 0, 0)
        Case "6h"
            NewColour = RGB(95, 0, 0)
        Case "6d"
            NewColour = RGB(85, 0, 0)
        Case "6c"
            NewColour = RGB(75, 0, 0)
        Case "6s"
            NewColour = RGB(65, 0, 0)
        Case "7h"
            NewColour = RGB(55, 0, 0)
        Case "7d"
            NewColour = RGB(45, 0, 0)
        Case "7c"
            NewColour = RGB(35, 0, 0)
        Case "7s"
            NewColour = RGB(25, 0, 0)
        Case "8h"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 255, 0)
        Case "8d"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 245, 0)
        Case "8c"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 235, 0)
        Case "8s"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 225, 0)
        Case "9h"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 215, 0)
        Case "9d"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 205, 0)
        Case "9c"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 195, 0)
        Case "9s"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 185, 0)
        Case "Th"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 175, 0)
        Case "Td"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 165, 0)
        Case "Tc"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 155, 0)
        Case "Ts"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 145, 0)
        Case "Jh"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 135, 0)
        Case "Jd"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 125, 0)
        Case "Jc"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 115, 0)
        Case "Js"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 105, 0)
        Case "Qh"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 95, 0)
        Case "Qd"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 85, 0)
        Case "Qc"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 75, 0)
        Case "Qs"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 65, 0)
        Case "Kh"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 55, 0)
        Case "Kd"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 45, 0)
        Case "Kc"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 35, 0)
        Case "Ks"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 25, 0)
        Case "Ah"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 0, 255)
        Case "Ad"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 0, 245)
        Case "Ac"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 0, 235)
        Case "As"
            NewColour = RGB(0, 0, 225)
        Case Else
            NewColour = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End Select
ColourBack = NewColour
End Function

DealDeck is a function that you can use in an worksheet by entering: =DealDeck() in any cell. What will be returned is a fully shuffled card deck like 9d3h5s9h4c3dQs4h4sTd7s2dJhQc2cJd2sJsJc5hTh9cTc8d8h6h7cAh6c8c4d9s8s5d2h6sAdQhKs3c5cQdTsKd3sKh7dAs7hKcAc6d all in one cell. You can use the left, mid and right Excel functions to extract the cards you require. You can also use the Dealer Functions for this purpose.

Public Function DealDeck() As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'Create 1 Randomly Shuffled Deck at the current cell location
    Randomize 'Initializes the random-number generator giving it a new seed value.
    'If Randomize is not used, the Rnd function (with no arguments) uses the same number as a seed the first time it is called,
    'and thereafter uses the last generated number as a seed value.

    Dim Deck(1 To 52), Card0 As String
    Dim Suits(), Cards()
    Dim s, crd As Variant
    Dim CardNum, ds, Shuffle, counter, DeckSize As Integer
    Dim Deck0 As Collection

    'Assign Value to Variables
    Set Deck0 = New Collection
    DeckSize = 52
    Suits = Array("h", "d", "s", "c")
    Cards = Array("2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A")

    Suits = ReOrderArray(Suits) 'ReOrder the Suit Order to enhance randomness
    Cards = ReOrderArray(Cards) 'ReOrder the Card Order to enhance randomness

    'Create pack of cards
    For Each s In Suits
        For Each crd In Cards
            Deck0.Add crd & s
        Next crd
    Next s

    'Shuffle the Deck of Cards
    For ds = 1 To DeckSize
        Shuffle = Int(Rnd() * Deck0.Count + 1)
        Card0 = Deck0(Shuffle)
        Deck(ds) = Card0
        Deck0.Remove (Shuffle)
    Next ds

    'Write out the Deck to the Active Worksheet
    counter = 0
    For crd = 1 To 52
        counter = counter + 1
        DealDeck = DealDeck & Deck(counter) 'Append the new dealed card to the deck being dealt
    Next crd

    'All Requested Decks are now created and displayed
    Set Deck0 = Nothing

End Function

Below is a Function that receives a complete deck (52 Cards) as a string, The Player (1 to 10) whose Holecards must be dealt and the amount of players at the table.

In Excel it can be called as follows:

This will deal Player 5 with Holecards, Th9s.

Public Function DealHoleCards(PackOfCards As String, Player As Integer, TableSize As Integer) As String
    If Player > TableSize Or Player < 1 Or TableSize > 10 Or TableSize < 2 Then
        DealHoleCards = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    'This Function will deal Player x his/hers holecards
    'Player 1 is the first to receive cards and sits to the left of the Big Blind (BB)
    'Burn Cards has no influence since you only burn before the Flop
    DealHoleCards = Mid(PackOfCards, (Player - 1 + Player), 2) & Mid(PackOfCards, ((Player - 1 + Player) + (TableSize * 2)), 2)
End Function

This function will burn a card if required and deal the flop for a specific table size.

In Excel it can be called as follows:
will deal Jh2dJc as the flop for a 10 handed table having burned 7c.

Public Function DealTheFlop(PackOfCards As String, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    DealTheFlop = Mid(PackOfCards, (TableSize * 4) + (BurnCard * 2) + 1, 6)
End Function

This function will burn a card if required and deal the turn for a specific table size.

In Excel it can be called as follows:
will deal 5s as the turn for a 10 handed table having burned Kd.

Public Function DealTheTurn(PackOfCards As String, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    DealTheTurn = Mid(PackOfCards, (TableSize * 4) + (BurnCard * 4) + 7, 2)
End Function

This function will burn a card if required and deal the river for a specific table size.

In Excel it can be called as follows:
will deal 9c as the riverfor a 10 handed table having burned 8c.

Public Function DealTheRiver(PackOfCards As String, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    DealTheRiver = Mid(PackOfCards, (TableSize * 4) + (BurnCard * 6) + 9, 2)
End Function

Other Functions

Public Function CommunityCards(PackOfCards As String, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    CommunityCards = DealTheFlop(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard) & DealTheTurn(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard) & DealTheRiver(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard)
End Function

Function BestHandFlop(PackOfCards As String, Player As Integer, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    BestHandFlop = SortHoleCards(DealHoleCards(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize)) & DealTheFlop(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard)
End Function

Public Function BestHandTurn(PackOfCards As String, Player As Integer, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    BestHandTurn = BestHand(BestHandFlop(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize, BurnCard) & DealTheTurn(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard))
End Function

Public Function BestHandRiver()
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission

End Function

Public Function HoleCardRanking(HoleCard As String) As Integer
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim HC As String
    Dim c As Integer
    If HoleCards(1) = "" Then
        Call EnumerateHoleCards
    End If
    HC = Mid(HoleCard, 1, 1) & Mid(HoleCard, 3, 1)
    For c = 1 To 91
        If HC = HoleCards(c) Then
        HoleCardRanking = c
        Exit Function
        End If
    Next c
End Function

Public Function CardBits(Card As String) As Long
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'This Assign each card a decimal value which is actually it's Binary Bit Code used to determine hand strengths & flushes
    Select Case Card
        Case "2c"
            CardBits = 98306
        Case "2d"
            CardBits = 81922
        Case "2h"
            CardBits = 73730
        Case "2s"
            CardBits = 69634
        Case "3c"
            CardBits = 164099
        Case "3d"
            CardBits = 147715
        Case "3h"
            CardBits = 139523
        Case "3s"
            CardBits = 135427
        Case "4c"
            CardBits = 295429
        Case "4d"
            CardBits = 279045
        Case "4h"
            CardBits = 270853
        Case "4s"
            CardBits = 266757
        Case "5c"
            CardBits = 557831
        Case "5d"
            CardBits = 541447
        Case "5h"
            CardBits = 533255
        Case "5s"
            CardBits = 529159
        Case "6c"
            CardBits = 1082379
        Case "6d"
            CardBits = 1065995
        Case "6h"
            CardBits = 1057803
        Case "6s"
            CardBits = 1053707
        Case "7c"
            CardBits = 2131213
        Case "7d"
            CardBits = 2114829
        Case "7h"
            CardBits = 2106637
        Case "7s"
            CardBits = 2102541
        Case "8c"
            CardBits = 4228625
        Case "8d"
            CardBits = 4212241
        Case "8h"
            CardBits = 4204049
        Case "8s"
            CardBits = 4199953
        Case "9c"
            CardBits = 8423187
        Case "9d"
            CardBits = 8406803
        Case "9h"
            CardBits = 8398611
        Case "9s"
            CardBits = 8394515
        Case "Tc"
            CardBits = 16812055
        Case "Td"
            CardBits = 16795671
        Case "Th"
            CardBits = 16787479
        Case "Ts"
            CardBits = 16783383
        Case "Jc"
            CardBits = 33589533
        Case "Jd"
            CardBits = 33573149
        Case "Jh"
            CardBits = 33564957
        Case "Js"
            CardBits = 33560861
        Case "Qc"
            CardBits = 67144223
        Case "Qd"
            CardBits = 67127839
        Case "Qh"
            CardBits = 67119647
        Case "Qs"
            CardBits = 67115551
        Case "Kc"
            CardBits = 134253349
        Case "Kd"
            CardBits = 134236965
        Case "Kh"
            CardBits = 134228773
        Case "Ks"
            CardBits = 134224677
        Case "Ac"
            CardBits = 268471337
        Case "Ad"
            CardBits = 268454953
        Case "Ah"
            CardBits = 268446761
        Case "As"
            CardBits = 268442665
    End Select

End Function

Public Function Flush(Handf As String) As Boolean
Dim c1f, c2f, c3f, c4f, c5f As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'This Function Receives a 5 card hand and determines if it is a Flush but not what type of Flush
    c1f = Mid(Handf, 2, 1)
    c2f = Mid(Handf, 4, 1)
    c3f = Mid(Handf, 6, 1)
    c4f = Mid(Handf, 8, 1)
    c5f = Mid(Handf, 10, 1)
    If c1f = c2f And c1f = c3f And c1f = c4f And c1f = c5f Then
        Flush = True
    End If
End Function

Public Function HandValue(Handh As String)
Dim c1h, c2h, c3h, c4h, c5h As Long
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'This Function Receives a 5 card hand and determines the Handvalue.
    Dim FL As Boolean
    FL = Flush(Handh)
    c1h = CardBits(Mid(Handh, 1, 2))
    c2h = CardBits(Mid(Handh, 3, 2))
    c3h = CardBits(Mid(Handh, 5, 2))
    c4h = CardBits(Mid(Handh, 7, 2))
    c5h = CardBits(Mid(Handh, 9, 2))
    If FL = True Then
        HandValue = shr(c1h Or c2h Or c3h Or c4h Or c5h, 16)
    End If
    If FL = False Then
        HandValue = (c1h And &HFF) * (c2h And &HFF) * (c3h And &HFF) * (c4h And &HFF) * (c5h And &HFF)
    End If
End Function

Public Function shr(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Shift As Byte) As Long
    Dim i As Byte
    shr = Value
    If Shift > 0 Then
        shr = Int(shr / (2 ^ Shift))
    End If
End Function

Public Function HandRank(Handv As String) As Integer
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'This Function ranks the player's hand from best (1) to worst(7462)

    Dim FL As Boolean, HV As Long
    HV = HandValue(Handv)
    FL = Flush(Handv)
    If FL = True Then
        HandRank = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV, Range("HandNameLookupF"), 2, False)
    End If

    If FL = False Then
        HandRank = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV, Range("HandNameLookup"), 2, False)
    End If
End Function

Public Function HandName(Handn As String) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim HR As Integer
    HR = HandRank(Handn)
    HandName = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HR, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 9, False)
End Function

Public Function HandType(Handt As String) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim HR As Integer
    HR = HandRank(Handt)
    HandType = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HR, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 8, False)
End Function

Public Function BestHand(Handb As String) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim r1, r2, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, bestval As Integer
    Dim Cardsb As Long
    Dim HandToTest As String
    Cardsb = Len(Handb) / 2
    bestval = 10000
    ReDim CardsBase(1 To Cardsb)
    ReDim AllHands(WorksheetFunction.Combin(Cardsb, 5))
    n2 = 0
    For n1 = 1 To Cardsb
        CardsBase(n1) = Mid(Handb, n1 + n2, 2)
        n2 = n2 + 1
    Next n1
    Call BuiltDesign(Cardsb)
    For r1 = 1 To WorksheetFunction.Combin(Cardsb, 5)
        For r2 = 1 To 5
            HandToTest = HandToTest & CardsBase(Mid(AllHands(r1), r2, 1))
        Next r2
        If HandRank(HandToTest) < bestval Then
            bestval = HandRank(HandToTest)
            BestHand = HandToTest
        End If
        HandToTest = ""
    Next r1
  BestHand = SortHand(BestHand)
End Function

Public Function LongBinary(lngNumber As Long) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim lngExp As Long
    Dim strBinary

    If lngNumber < 0 Then Exit Function

    Do While 2 ^ lngExp <= lngNumber
        strBinary = -((lngNumber And (2 ^ lngExp)) <> 0) & strBinary
        lngExp = lngExp + 1

    LongBinary = strBinary

End Function

Public Function SortHand(HandToSort As String) As String ' Must be 5 cards
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    'This Function sort the players 5 card hand in the correct order.
    If (Len(HandToSort) / 2) > 5 Then
        SortHand = "!Only5Cards!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim BestHandCollection As Collection
    Dim CardsToSort(1 To 5, 3)
    Dim s, r, cr, HV0 As Integer
    Set BestHandCollection = New Collection
    cr = 1
    HV0 = HandRank(HandToSort)
    If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 3, False)) Then
        BestHandCollection.Add CStr(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 3, False))
        BestHandCollection.Add WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 3, False)
    End If

    If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 4, False)) Then
        BestHandCollection.Add CStr(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 4, False))
        BestHandCollection.Add WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 4, False)
    End If

    If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 5, False)) Then
        BestHandCollection.Add CStr(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 5, False))
        BestHandCollection.Add WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 5, False)
    End If

    If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 6, False)) Then
        BestHandCollection.Add CStr(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 6, False))
        BestHandCollection.Add WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 6, False)
    End If

    If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 7, False)) Then
        BestHandCollection.Add CStr(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 7, False))
        BestHandCollection.Add WorksheetFunction.VLookup(HV0, Range("HandTypeLookup"), 7, False)
    End If

    For r = 1 To 5
        CardsToSort(r, 2) = Mid(HandToSort, cr, 1)
        CardsToSort(r, 3) = Mid(HandToSort, cr + 1, 1)
        cr = cr + 2
    Next r
    For r = 1 To 5
        For s = 1 To 5
        If IsEmpty(CardsToSort(s, 1)) Then
            If CardsToSort(s, 2) = BestHandCollection.Item(r) Then
                CardsToSort(s, 1) = r
                s = 5
'                Exit For
             End If
        End If
        Next s
    Next r

    For r = 1 To 5
        For s = 1 To 5
            If CardsToSort(s, 1) = r Then
                SortHand = SortHand & CardsToSort(s, 2) & CardsToSort(s, 3)
                s = 5
            End If
        Next s
    Next r

End Function

Public Function PlayerHand(PackOfCards As String, Player As Integer, TableSize As Integer, BurnCard As Integer) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    PlayerHand = DealHoleCards(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize) & CommunityCards(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard)
End Function

Public Function SortHoleCards(HoleCardsToSort As String) As String
    'Copyright PotOnTheRiver © 2013 (potontheriver@gmail.com). All Rights Reserved
    'This code is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially or otherwise without my permission
    Dim HCS1, HCS2 As String
    Dim HS1, HS2 As Integer
    HCS1 = Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 1, 1) & Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 1, 1)
    HCS2 = Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 3, 1) & Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 3, 1)
    For HS1 = 1 To 13
        If HCS1 = HoleCards(HS1) Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next HS1
    For HS2 = 1 To 13
        If HCS2 = HoleCards(HS2) Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next HS2

    If HS1 > HS2 Then
        SortHoleCards = Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 3, 2) & Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 1, 2)
        SortHoleCards = Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 1, 2) & Mid(HoleCardsToSort, 3, 2)
    End If
End Function

The content of this blog is free for personal use ONLY. It cannot be used, adapted, copied, or published or used commercially without my permission.

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