03 The Hand Analyser (Excel Texas Holdem Poker)

Now this is great!

We now have custom Excel Texas Holdem Poker Functions. They are: DealDeck(), DealHoleCards(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize), SortHoleCards(HoleCardsToSort), PlayerHand(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize, BurnCard), DealTheFlop(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard), DealTheTurn(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard), DealTheRiver(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard), CommunityCards(PackOfCards, TableSize, BurnCard), BestHandFlop(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize, BurnCard), BestHandTurn(PackOfCards, Player, TableSize, BurnCard), HoleCardRanking(HoleCard), HandRank(HandValue), HandName(Hand), HandType(Hand), BestHand(Hand) and SortHand(HandToSort).

Below is what it can be used for typically. The layout and supporting Excel functions can be changed as required.

You will find the relevants Functions here.

Texas Holdem Excel Hand Analyser

Texas Holdem Excel Hand Analyser

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